AUO Capri Healthcare & Research Institute Pvt Ltd


Frequently Asked Questions

Posture has its Importance and Benefits


Do you have an incorrect posture that you want to mend right away with the help of professionals? We at Capri Spine can help!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does treatment at Capri Spine help me?

Capri’s Outpatient Department (OPD) makes a thorough assessment to make ground for formidable diagnosis, henceforth the most appropriate and scientific treatment. The organisation’s vision is to provide the highest standard treatment that not only relieves pain & restores function but also resolves the underlying cause of the problem. Capri’s Digital Segmental Spinal Analysis & Treatment (CDSSAT) is a newly developed highly sensitive computer assisted analysis that surpasses most “”traditional”” methods in its precision, relevance and clarity of display, at an optimal cost/benefit ratio. It is both practitioner and patient friendly, non-invasive, and completely free from radiation.

The specialized treatment offered by Capri is based on the best Manipulative Physiotherapy, Chiropractic & Osteopathic Techniques, Dry Needling, Taping, Exercise Therapy, Electrotherapy, and Ergonomic Management. Manipulative therapy delivered is a combination of the work of some of most renowned individuals in Manual Therapy like Mulligan, Maitland, McConnell, Butler, McKenzie, Edwards, Monaghan, Elvey, and O’Sullivan.

Capri’s approach towards treatment is based on a combination of Electrotherapy & Exercise Therapy. By exercise therapy, Capri does not imply just a set of few exercises but ‘Manual Therapy’ delivered by adequately trained and experienced therapists. More often than not, the manual / mobilisation / manipulation techniques provide immediate and permanent cure without calling the patient daily to the clinic, making the treatment both time & cost effective. The Electrotherapy mode of treatment is absolutely safe, based on the application of ultra-advanced and highly technical gadgets comparable to international standards.

Is the treatment offered at other conventional physiotherapy clinics same like Capri Spine Clinic?

NO, the treatment given in Capri is definitely different from other clinics; Capri Spine Clinic is a professionally managed chain of Super Speciality Spine Clinics offering non- invasive drugless (without medicines & surgeries) treatment for all spinal disorders. We follow the combination of best concepts of manual therapy. Capri Spine Clinics are the best Spine clinics in Delhi. We utilize the best possible technologies to treat your problem. To feel the difference, you will have to walk in & see it for yourself

Is the same treatment given at all branches of Capri Spine Clinic?

The treatment offered at all branches of Capri is uniform & follows the standard treatment protocols developed exclusively by Capri as per international norms.

What do therapists at Capri Spine do?

Therapists use their experienced hands & CDSSAT to locate joints that are not moving properly. They use a quick impulse to free the joint so that it moves once more. This is called an adjustment. The muscles can then start to work normally and the spine will gradually return to its optimal working condition.

What will be done on my 1st visit to Capri Spine?

Capri family always welcomes you wholeheartedly. We will take complete care of your problem. As correct diagnosis is the key to perfect treatment, a qualified therapist will do thorough assessment of your condition. The therapist will ask you about your problem. You will be asked about your health and medical history. Then the therapist will carry out a detailed examination of your spine and test your nerves & muscles to see if they are functioning as they should.

Will the therapist at Capri Spine assess me, even if I come with prescription of a medical practitioner?

Yes, even if you have approached us with prescription of a qualified practitioner, we will have a complete assessment session from functional & biomechanical point of view. Your muscle strength, posture, life style, occupation etc. can affect your treatment protocols, so every minute detail is considered before starting the treatment. Hence a complete assessment needs to be done.

Who will decide my plan of treatment?

At Capri, your treatment would be planned based on your biomechanical & functional assessment & it will be in synchrony with your consultant’s advice (If any). In brief, it would be a team effort to realise the goal of pain relief & resolving the underlying problems.

What about the 2nd visit?

If possible, please bring your partner with you & the reports of other relevant findings. It is good for your “support network” at home also to understand your condition. All of the information that you gave the therapist at your first visit has been carefully assessed and you will be told what has been found. You will get to see your CDSSAT report (if was taken). Your treatment plan will be discussed with you. If you agree, you will then have your first treatment. All treatments are specific to you and are tailored to your needs.

Is treatment just about the pain?

No. Whilst pain is understandably of great concern to a patient, pain is simply a signal telling the brain that something is wrong. We can tell you what is ‘that’ wrong, provided you do not shrug your responsibility by ignoring it. Sometimes it disappears, but most often, it returns. Pain may be insidious, increase gradually, intensify, or become persistent. You can acknowledge it, face up to it or do something about it. Just under your skin, there is an expansive landscape of ingeniously constructed components. If one aspect is not functioning the way it should, it may only take the slightest adjustment to put it right. Yes, with treatment at Capri, it is possible. When a patient is experiencing a problem, pain is usually the last thing to come. Interestingly, when treatment begins, it is often the first thing to disappear.

The real issue is what is causing pain?

The cause must be found and corrected in order to stop the yo yo effect. Capri’s digital segmental spinal assessment & treatment is very effective for both longstanding (chronic) as well as new (acute) problems.

I keep hurting myself but then the pain goes away on its own, should I go and take treatment?

The question should be: why do I keep on hurting myself? Pain is your friend A signal that something’s wrong. Often we take pain killers but that just masks what is going on. We deal with the cause of the problem. Think of it another way. If there is a smoke in the room and the smoke alarm buzzes, would you switch on the exhaust fan & just relax or you will find the source of smoke?

Can my mental stress be a cause of the pain?

Yes! May be, your mental stress could be playing a part in your pain.

Why doesn't one treatment fix everything?

Because the body is not like a machine – replace a broken part and everything works again. If the body is damaged, then it will need time to heal. Also, there can be further consequences to the injury. For example, if you ever had a leg in plaster you will know that when the plaster is removed that leg can be very thin and weak due to lack of use. The same thing happens in the spine. If a part of the spine is not working properly, then some of the muscles will be weak. Even after an adjustment, the spine will still not be working normally because it has to “relearn” how to function normally.
Each time you have an adjustment the joints improve and muscles strengthen. The body gradually regains normal function. If there is inflammation and nerve interference, this has to recover and the inflammation has to reduce. It takes time to heal.
Even when the pain goes your spine is still in a fragile state. It is easy to upset it again when there is no pain to remind you of your injury.

Why is it to keep to my treatment plan?

We want you to feel the full benefit of the treatments you receive. Each treatment builds on the one before. If you miss a treatment, this will slow down your recovery.

How much time do I have to devote for a session at your clinic?

On an average this will come out to be one hour per session.

Will the treatment taken at Capri increase pain?

No, we, here in Capri never believe in the concept of “no pain no gain”. We treat you in a pain-free way, so as to achieve the maximum pain relief, full functional abilities & resolve the underlying problem in effective way.

Will the treatment taken at Capri increase pain?

No, we, here in Capri never believe in the concept of “no pain no gain”. We treat you in a pain-free way, so as to achieve the maximum pain relief, full functional abilities & resolve the underlying problem in effective way.

Is there any adverse affect of any therapy taken at Capri Spine?

No, we care for you and every patient is our primary concern, therefore special attention is paid to your condition & its treatment. Moreover, the equipments & treatment protocols here at Capri are of international standards. So, the chances of side effects are absolutely zero. The treatment is delivered with skill, precision & caution; no adverse side effects shall be there.

When should I approach for therapy at Capri Spine?

It’s never too late to start therapy. Nevertheless, ‘a stitch in time saves nine.

Why do I need a home programme when I am coming for treatment at clinic?

A home exercise program is a part of most treatments, as these are important for reinforcement of the pain relief and maintenance of functional range of motion we have gained at the clinic. After all, we take your one hour, the rest 23 belong to you!

Should I stop my daily exercise while taking treatment?

It depends from case to case; therefore such a query can only be answered after conducting a thorough assessment.

Do you only adjust backs?

No, we adjust all the joints in the body. However the spine is a special area as it contains a large part of the nervous system. Correctly moving joints allow the whole body and its nervous system to work as it should.

How does the body work?

Let’s start with the brain. There are two parts to the brain- the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious is the thinking part. The unconscious is the part that looks after all of the “automatic” things that go on in your body. Things like breathing, your heartbeat, digestion and the immune system all require no conscious effort on your part. When you go to sleep at night, you trust that your brain will keep your body functioning while you sleep so that you wake up in the morning.
Absolutely nothing happens in your body without ‘messages’ coming from your brain, down the spinal cord and out through the nerves.
These nerves also constantly monitor the state of your body by sending messages back, letting the brain know that everything is working correctly. When things go wrong, the nerves send different messages such as pain.

What does positional fault in joints mean?

This is a term which means a joint in the spine is not moving properly causing it to function differently. When you have these micro mal-alignments, these alter the nervous system’s normal function and interfere with the messages travelling along the nerves to and from the brain.

Can positional fault in joints be seen radiologically?

No, these positional faults are very minor & cannot be seen radiologically, but can be appreciated while delivering the adjustments that relieve your pain instantaneously and increase the range of motion.

Why do positional faults occur?

Abnormal spine movement can cause irritation to the nerves. Stressful lifestyle, sports injuries, poor posture, overwork and wear and tear can all cause the spine to malfunction. Stress can make the muscles tighter, pulling on the spine and reducing movement. Abnormal spine movement can go unnoticed, but there is a general decline in health, less energy, minor aches and pains, stiffness, painful periods, headaches, poor immune system etc.
The nerves are being compromised and the gaps in the spine where the nerves exit can become smaller and interfere with nerve function-rather like a hosepipe with a kink in it- the flow of messages from the brain to the body and back becomes less efficient. These irritations cause positional faults or fixations which may, initially cause no pain.
What is a pinched nerve?
The spinal cord travels down the spine. Branches exit at each level through a hole made by two small arches next to the facet joints. These small joints are to the rear of the spine behind the disc. If these joints become fixed, they become irritated. This may cause the soft tissues to become inflamed and swollen, leading to pressure on the nerve.
This is a pinched nerve.

Why are you looking at my back when the pain is in my leg?

Pinched nerves cause pain in specific patterns usually away from where they are being pinched. The most common is “sciatica” which means a pain in the sciatic nerve which runs down the back of the leg, caused by a problem in the low back.

What is a slipped disc?

Slipped disc! A poor description! The disc does not slip out of place.
The disc is made of tough gristle (cartilage) but at the centre, there is a softer, thick jelly. This is under pressure and acts as a cushion. If the disc is over stressed it may develop small tears. The softer centre can squeeze through these tears and in severe cases either escape or push the outer casing of the disc causing it to bulge. This bulge can be at the back of the disc where the nerves run.
Disc problems can be viewed as serious, depending on which disc and nerve is involved. Therapists can find which nerve is being affected by neurodynamic tests. Discs can take a long time to heal and the pressure on the nerve can cause considerable pain.
If you have a course of treatment and do all the things you are asked especially, the exercises! You will probably end up feeling a whole lot better in many different ways. If you then stop all treatment and exercises, what do you think would happen? Well you should probably go back to square one, typically over about six months. If, however, you choose to maintain your spine in optimum condition, you can look forward to years of feeling great. Each case is different, but the average person on maintenance comes in about once per month.


Will my joint condition improve after the treatment?

Capri’s Digital Segmental Spinal Assessment & Treatment (CDSSAT) will definitely improve your condition, but specific changes or degeneration of your joints, are irreversible processes. However, in cases of post traumatic stiffness, the functional range of movement of joints can be achieved. As much as, the clinical and the technical nature of your condition permits, full scope of recovery is offered at Capri.

Do I need dietary precaution during the treatment session?

As such, no dietary precautions are to be taken. But you must take care of your health, so follow a complete nutritional diet. But certain conditions do need a dietary precaution. So you must ask your concerned therapist. Don’t be overweight.

How long should I wait for treatment before or after my meals?

You must wait for at least ½ hour before or after having the meals before visiting the clinic.

There are a few simple things that you can do to help your body remain healthy!

  • Drink plenty of water. You are like a plant-you need water!
  • Certain vitamins and minerals can help your body recover, ask your therapist for information.
  • You will be given some simple exercises to do, when appropriate, as part of your treatment. Please do them; they will greatly assist your recovery and future health.
  • The whole process is a partnership, it is important to follow any advice that the therapist gives you.
  • Please be assured that we have probably seen cases like yours. Many times before and only advise you on how to get the best results.
  • If you feel your question is still unanswered, please feel free to contact us with your specific question on line or by phone.
  • Thank you for putting your trust and confidence in our care.

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