AUO Capri Healthcare & Research Institute Pvt Ltd


Disc Prolapse? Relax! We are there!

Relax! We are There

50% people have disc bulge at

40 years


When you have a ‘slipped’ (prolapsed) disc, a disc does not actually slip.


A prolapsed disc occurs when the outer fibers of the intervertebral disc are injured, and the soft material known as the nucleus pulposus, ruptures out of its enclosed space.

The prolapsed disc or ruptured disc material can enter the spinal canal, squashing the spinal cord, but more frequently the spinal nerves.


Disc prolapse can occur anywhere in your spine. However, most seen in the discs of lower back (the lumbar spine) followed by the neck (Cervical region) and rarely in the thoracic spine.


According to a research by Brinjikji et al, Disc Prolapse can happen to anyone and is an age related change. In population of 20 year old, 30% have disc prolapse and in 50 year old 60% have it which increases to 84% in 80 years old.


These issues can be treated with manual therapy and you can avoid surgery, it may not be necessary that the pain you are dealing is due to the disc, it can be due to some other reason as well! Our Spine Specialists can help you with Best Spine Treatment Near You, we can diagnose your pain and you can have Disc Prolapse Treatment Without Surgery


Intervertebral discs can also rupture because of weakening outer fibers of the disc. This is usually due to repetitive minor injuries which build up over time. This damage may occur with aging, hereditary factors, work- or recreation-related activities. At some point you may lift something, twist or bend in a manner which puts enough pressure on the disc to cause it to rupture through its weakened outer fibers.



-Numbness, pins and needles, or tingling in one or both arms or legs. This can happen when a prolapsed disc presses on the nerves that exit the spinal cord.


In lumbar spine (sciatica) Radiculopathy frequently results from a prolapsed disc in the lower back. Pressure on one or several nerves that contribute to the sciatic nerve pain that causes burning, tingling and numbness that radiates from the buttock into the leg.


If the prolapsed disc is not pressing on a nerve, the patient may experience a general muscular low backache.


Aging also plays a role. As you get older, your discs tend to break down and lose their cushioning.


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